Monday, May 05, 2008

4.10: Something Nice Back Home

Dang, this season just keeps getting better and better! For once we see flash forwards of a happy time, after Kate's trial, to her and Jack living together, getting engaged, and raising Aaron. This goes back and forth with the present time on the island and Jack suffering through an appendectomy (which we obviously know he survives since the flashes are about him, so that drama was kinda pointless IMO). Of course you know with the episode starting out happy it won't end that way...

We progressively see Jack's downfall, which is sadly driven by Hurley's insanity and claims Jack shouldn't be raising Aaron and will get a visitor. Jack starts hallucinating that he sees his dad which spawns his drug and alcohol use along with mistrust of Kate, who he finds out has been doing some kind of "favor" for Sawyer. What we learn from this is the rest of the Losties "chose" to stay behind, as Jack put it, so does that mean none of them (including Jin and Claire) are actually dead? Something does seem to be wrong with Claire though, who throughout the episode is dizzy, woozy and at the end sees her (and Jack's remember) father and goes off into the woods w/ him, leaving baby Aaron on a tree root. I mean the girl's house was blown up, seems crazy to think she'd walk away unharmed, so I'm thinking there might be some kind of internal head wound or something... :-\

Other interesting events in this eppy:
  • The helicopter pilot saving Sawyer, Claire, Aaron and the ghost dude from the crazy freighter soldiers
  • Jin talking some serious smack to Charlotte in Korean
  • Juliette seeming like a total beeatch by telling Kate Jack kissed her, then redeeming herself by stating she knew it was to prove he was actually in love with Kate
  • Kate adamantly calling Aaron her son, which I also noticed in the episode w/ her trial...I mean she says it like she really gave birth to him, just seems odd...


SKlaft said...

I'm with Rose:

What's the deal with Jack getting deathly ill while living on the Island that heals people?

I thought there might have been a little too much flash-foreward in this episode. With the intensity of events in the previous episode, I would have liked to see just a bit more Island-stuff... but that's just personal opinion.

Still, all in all, this season is the hands-down, best in the series so far.

SRM said...

You're right robby, maybe that's why we saw Jack get sick even though we knew he'd be fine, just to make a point that not everyone stays healthy on the island? That's like Ben too though, how did he get a spinal tumor while living on the island? Maybe those people aren't "meant" to be there or live there...

SKlaft said...

I just watched the newest episode, and all I have to say is...


SRM said...

That's what my coworker said too!! I haven't had the chance to watch it yet, should be able to on Sat. and will post soon... :)