Monday, May 19, 2008

Out of office...

Hey all,
I'm out of town at a conference most of this week so no time to do a recap of the last eppy. Please post all comments in this thread and I'll read through 'em before doing the delayed post later this week. Thanks!


SRM said...

hm, so no one's commented on the last episode, do y'all still want me to do a write up? I've been a busy bee the last couple weeks but I don't want to neglect my bloggies...

SKlaft said...

I am watching the series finale right at this moment.

It is hard to find things to say when every moment is like, "Woah... "

Are we sure there is going to be another season?

SKlaft said...

Okay, "woah" is just not sufficent. How about...


Well, I'll try not to spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet. Most of it has been telegraphed by the flashforewards, but there are plenty of blanks that get filled in, and of course some shocking moments.

It will leave you going, "WHAAAAAT?!" but with a big goofy grin on your face.
