Monday, April 14, 2008

Season 5 rewind

I'm posting these observations on behalf of our loyal blogger Robetron. Some very interesting points to muse over in our Lost hiatus! -SRG
I just went back to watch this seasons first and second episodes. I noticed some things that I didn't catch before.

A. There may be a problem with the "different reality/ nightmare" scenario. In episode 1, we are shown on a TV screen that someone was in a high-speed chase in an old orange camaro (which, we eventually find out is Hurley because this is his flash-forward). What we only get a brief glimpse of is that the watcher of that TV is Jack, it is early in the morning, and Jack is making himself a Screwdriver with orange juice and Absolute Vodka. He begins to nurse the drink before noticing Hurley's antics on TV. This would damage the view that Jack was "just fine" in Hurley's flash-forward, as opposed to his own flash-forward where he was a raging drunk. I think Hurley's flash-forward was further back in time than Jack's, and that Jack was only in the process of his alcohol-induced problems.

Later, when Jack pays Hurley a visit in the mental institution, they discuss whether or not Hurley would "tell." I think they made it off the Island, but left everyone else alive on the Island and swore never to reveal it. This also is when the idea of "going back" was introduced to Jack. Hurley was way ahead of him, and suggested it. I don't know why, but it does seem to be the moment when Jack started to think about it, which of course, made him drink more, bringing him to the point of near lunacy and suicide.

B. Later, in Hurley's flash-forward, a thin black man claiming to be a lawyer for Oceanic Airlines paid Hurley a visit. We do not discover much about him, but we get the sense that he is lying throughout the interview, until he reveals himself to believe that the rest of the Losties are still alive on the island, and Hurley freaks out about it. Then he disappears. Weird and mysterious, but not enough information for us to really think about it.

Come forward into episode two where we get to know how the crew on the helicopter came to be a part of their "expedition." Naomi is protesting the selection of an untrained crew, and the guy who is convincing her is none other than --

--the guy who so disturbed Hurley in the mental hospital. He was working for (as we know now) the man who is funding the ship and the craziness of trying to capture Ben Linus as well as locate the island: Mr. Widmore. now there is an unexpected twist. Mr Widmore was having his lacky interrogate Hurley in the future to see if the other Losties were still alive. That means that somehow, the "Oceanic 6" got back to the real world without letting anyone on that ship know anything about the other Losties, or the location of the Island. Maybe they forcably took Mr Widmore's ship away from the captain? I dunno, but this is very revealing!


I will continue to watch the new season's episodes and make more observations if there are things I missed the first go-round.



SKlaft said...

More of interest, but not anything weighty:

In episode 5 "The Constant," there were some interesting tid bits that I remembered, but they didn't have enough information on which to draw conclusions, so I forgot about them when it came time to post.

A. I was remembering this episode as if it were "Desmond's flash-foreward," but it was not that at all. Desmond was literally being transported to the past. His consciousness went from his future body into his past body. This would only be interesting in contrast to the approach to the other episodes this season, but that is not all that happened. (This will bring me to points B. and C.)

B. While in one of his jaunts to his past, Des tries to interupt Mr. Widmore while at an auction for exclusive attendees. In this auction, Mr. Widmore successfully bids on a venerable book chronicling the last known journey of a ship called "The Black Rock." This is insane!

The auctioneer said the contents of the book had only been known to the family of the seller "Tovard Henso." (Isn't that the last name of the Oriental scientist guy?)

Anyway, it looks like we may have stumbled upon the moment in history when Mr. Widmore gained his obsession with the Island, and Desmond nearly caused him to loose the auction! how crazy is that?! If you are thinking that it is like when Des "saw" the past, "saw" Charlie playing songs on the street in London, and had that weird jewlery store lady convince him that he could not change the past, well, this is not true. Check out this:

C. Before all this happened, Daniel Fairday and Desmond were complete strangers. I'm not even sure they ever event spoke before this. The Daniel told Des to find him so he could help him in the past. He does, and it blowes Daniel-past's mind. in fact there was a very subtle moment when Daniel insists to Des that he could not change the past.

Then cut to the end of the episode where Daniel Fairday is looking through his notebook with a perplexed look on his face. The notes were different than what had been there, and there was a note that said, "If anything happens, Desmond Hume will be my constant."

Desmond actually changed history!

This is wild! I have to watch some more!

SKlaft said...

I know it was already discussed on the thread for the episode, "Ji Yeon," but can I just say what a remarkable acting job was done by the woman who plays Sun at the grave of Jin in her flash-foreward.

This is the second time that scene brought tears to the eyes of this burly, beared, macho man's-man.

(Then again, the scene in Alias season 4 episode "In Dreams" where Sloane is retreating into his own mind, seeking for a trauma strong enough to shock his double back into his own mind. There Sloane had to relive the loss of his first baby. The acting was so good that I have seen it many times since then and I still get pretty choked up.)

I just have touchy sinuses and that makes my eyes water easily. Yeah. That's it.

SKlaft said...

I'll need some oil to keep my moving parts from rusting!



SRM said...

yeah Sun's scene at Jin's grave is extremely moving, as is the scene from Alias you referenced.

I also feel like there has to be some kind of consequence for Des messing w/ the past. I really enjoyed the eppy with his time traveling, but thought the end was just a little too "Disney" and resolved, I was waiting for a "but" to come into play...