Friday, March 14, 2008

4.07: Ji Yeon

Ok I don't have much time but still wanted to put up a post because this was a great episode! First off, MAJOR kudos to blogger Paul who posted his theory two weeks ago that Michael was Ben's spy. It was no surprise at all to see the freighter janitor "Kevin" come out of the shadows at the end and see Des and Sayid's stunned faces as they looked upon their betrayer, Michael.

Well friends, we now know the identity of the final member of "Oceanic 6" is Sun. This episode was a bit confusing at first because we knew there was only one more survivor, yet the time flashes showed both Sun going into labor and Jin on his way to the maternity ward. I had a hunch that we were seeing two different time periods, which was confirmed at the end when Jin discloses his trip to the hospital is to represent his employer and earn some brownie points with a business associate, obviously in the past, while Hurley visits Sun and her new baby daughter, Ji Yeon, and take a trip to Jin's grave in the future. That last scene with her talking to his grave just broke my heart, and I'm sure part of it is because I have a personal association thinking about my sister who just had a baby last week and imagining her going through all of that without my brother-in-law. What makes it even more tragic was Juliette spilling the beans to Jin about Sun's affair, and him forgiving her and their loving reconciliation. He promised she'd never lose him, yet we see her facing a future alone as a single parent. I've wondered since we've started seeing the flash forwards if the rest of the 815 survivors somehow perished, leaving only the 6 survivors, or if they stayed on the island. I guess now we have our answer, but it begs the question of how did he/they all die??

Moving on to the freighter, there was some weird-ass stuff going on there. We learn the crew is going nutty one at a time, including a woman jumping off the boat covered in chains to ensure her sinking, and a mysterious blood stain on the wall that Kevin/Michael was ordered to clean up. The captain was surprisingly willing to talk to Des and Sayid, and relayed the story of finding the 815 black box along with ALL of the passenger bodies. He confirmed his orders come from Mr. Widmore, which took Des by surprise, and also told them the Ben is suspected of staging the fake plane wreckage. The captain asks the same questions we've been wondering... where did Ben get the money and resources to stage such a hoax, and where did he get that many dead bodies??


Paul Kremer said...

I had a thought last week, and now after this last episode, I must voice it...I am beginning to question the "reality" of these flash-forwards. Everyone seems to be living out their worst nightmare, and their interactions with each don't fit.

Jack: Jack is portrayed as a drunk just like his father - nightmare. He says, "Go get my father, and if he's drunker than I am, then..." His father is dead! Jack has a thick beard, and flies back and forth over the ocean. However, in EVERY other person's flashes so far, Jack has had a short beard and seems very well-adjusted.

Hurley: Hurley ends right back up in the insane asylum - nightmare. However, in Sun's flash, he is well adjusted and very well dressed.

Kate: Kate is raising a child who is not hers, and is right back on trial for her father's murder - nightmare.

Sayid: Sayid is involved in espionage, killing people again, and for who? Of all people, Ben, someone you know he hates - nightmare.

Sun: Having her baby, and Jin is dead? - nightmare. The date on Jin's headstone was the date of the plane crash, wasn't it? We know that can't be right! I have to say that it was pretty great the way the writers messed with our heads with the Sun-forward/Jin-back thing. :)

Again, everyone is miserable, living out a nightmare, and some of characters' nightmares don't seem to mesh with the others! I know this will all be explained, but I am beginning to believe that these "futures" may not be set in stone?


Tammy said...

Wow!! I haven't had time to really think your theory through, but I actually like it - I would really prefer if it was true!

SKlaft said...

SRG, one does not have to have any special current events (congrats on becoming an aunt, BTW) for those two scenes to affect us. What I found interesting is how the writers gave us 1. the sesne of fear when Jin found out about the affair, 2. an uplifted emotional high when he forgave Sun so graciously, and then 3. rips out hearts out with that amazing peice of acting in front of Jin's headstone. They really know how to mess with the viewers.

RE: Paul's theory, I think that fits well with what I was saying ever since Hurley's flash-foreward. Nothing in the future is set, and all of these foreward looks are glimpses of a possible future if the Oceanic 6 make it off the island with Mr. Widmore's ship.

How all but six died in the course of a rescue attempt is really just acedemic: i.e. the writers simply have to tell that story. It is the periphreal ideas that are the most intreguing.

Remember now, the Captain did not specifically say that ben was responsible for covering up the crash and planting a false wreckage with dead bodies. He only said that is why they want to talk to him. Additionally, the choper pilot seemed to indicate that the Captain is not a good guy, and the note (presumably from Ben's spy, who presumably open their door so they could make that phone call to Penny) warned them not to trust the Captain.

I'm not certain if "Kevin" is aware that he is Micheal, or looks like him, because he didn't react very much when being introduced to Sayid and Desmond. If he is Ben's spy, there are a lot of "if - then" statements and questions we could raise, but as it pertains to the note, I think the warning is legitimate.

Think about it. Ben seems to have a lot of outside resources helping him supply their life on the Island, but would he really be ableto stage a plane wreckage complete with 320+ dead bodies? Maybe. What about Mr. Widmore? He seems to have a great deal of resources of his own. Could it be that he has an inkling where to find the Island and what it is capable of being, and he will stop at nothing to find it as well as prevent anyone else from finding it first?

Remember at the endof the 2nd season when the "hatch" imploded, sending magnetic shockwaves into the atmosphere so that some sort of monitering station in an arctic climate was able to register it. Who was funding that, and who did they call to report the anomaly? (I'd like to rewatch that and think about it some more.)

It is distinctly possible that Ben has ben performing a more noble job by preventing the outside world from further discovery of the Island than we are being led to believe. He never really tries to justify himself to anyone (which is never necessary when you stand on the right side) because he knows that most people would not understand without gaining knowldge that it is his job to prevent them from having. He is forced to do seemingly evil things n order to keep worse things from happening if the public found out about the Island.

How Jacob fits into all of this, and why he needs John (and maybe Hurley) to "Help" him, I just do not know. Maybe Ben isn't so noble, and he has been holding the Island hostage, after a manner of speaking. Maybe he is only doing all those horrible things just to protect his own power and personal interests. That just seems too easy, and I do not think the writers will go that way.

SKlaft said...

On a thinly connected note, I was wondering if anyone else has read the new-ish Steven King novel called "Duma Key."

I just recently read this, and if I were a wagering man (which, I am not), I would bet that Steven King is a pretty huge fan of both LOST and HEROES. It is a pretty good book, but it has some very similar themes to those two shows.

(As a matter of fact, I cannot help but picture the main character's friend that he meets on Duma Key as the guy who plays the helicopter pilot on LOST.)

Anyway, I only wondered if there is anyone else who read it that also saw the similarities.


SRM said...

I have also noticed the inconsistencies in the flash forwards, especially with Jack, but I've honestly just assumed that we've been seeing different times in the future. It seems like the finale to last season, which showed Jack as a drunk fantasizing about returning to the Island, was the furthest into the future and they've been working backwards. Hurley going into the nut house must also happen further into the future than when we saw him visiting Sun and her new baby. That's just my take though, I really hope that the differences in scenarios also could mean the future is not set and our Losties' fates aren't so hopeless.

Re: Kevin/Michael, I actually thought I did see a reaction in his eyes upon seeing Sayid and Des, a sort of awkward tension. Could have been my imagination though, we'll see. I don't know how Ben would have convinced Michael to leave his son and his freedom to be a spy on a freighter though, so there could have been some brainwashing involved.

I don't know what to think about the captain. From everyone else's description he seems like an SOB, but in person he was actually the least annoyingly secretive person we've encountered so far from the freighter.

Interesting about Stephen King's book, wouldn't surprise me at all if he is a Lost fan. :)