Monday, March 10, 2008

4.6: The Other Woman

Sorry for the late posting folks, let's get to it. It seems that last week's eppy with Desmond's time traveling to the past was a segue into this week's being a trademark flashback episode about Juliette. At first when she's talking to the therapist it sounds as though she got off the island and is discussing how it feels to be hounded by the public as a "celebrity" (possibly as one of the Oceanic 6). We soon realize that the scene is actually back from the time she first came to the island as their hopeful doctor. The story unfolds of her engaging in an illicit affair with Goodwin, the husband of her therapist, whose doomed fate was determined by Ben sending him to infiltrate the "Tailies" group. Juliette realizes Ben purposefully sent him to his death so she could no longer be with him, and when she confronts Ben about it he responds that "you're MINE" (sort of like a 3-year old but in a much creepier way). It's obvious Ben will stop at nothing to keep Juliette to himself, and she confesses to Jack that she fears for him since Ben knows of her feelings for Jack. I've been a Kate-Jack "shipper" from the beginning, so it just looked weird to me to see him kiss Juliette, anyway...

Mystery surrounds Dan and Charlotte since they silently left the beach on some secret mission. As it plays out, it actually does seem like they might be "good guys" since they neutralized the large container of toxic gas that could have killed everyone on the island. Ben tried to convince Juliette to kill them first, but it seems maybe he just wanted to save the gas for his own uses. He also played Locke into setting him free by showing him a video of Penny's dad beating one of the Others, claiming he's the owner of the freighter and an enemy of the island. It can't be a coincidence that Mr. Widmore is somehow associated since Des has been on the island, do you think he's trying to keep Penny from finding him? I can't figure out why else he'd be behind it all. The mini-cliffhanger is that Ben tells Locke who his spy on the freighter is, I think blogger Paul's theory that Michael's the spy could be dead on, maybe we'll see next week.


Anonymous said...

Also, when Harper said "Of course he does, you look just like her" I think she means Juliette looks just like Ben's mom. In case that wasn't obvious to anyone else.

I think Michael as the spy might be it... I don't think anyone else would really make sense.

SRM said...

Yes Katie thanks for remembering that comment Harper said! It totally confused me but now thinking of his mom, that would make sense. Here's a link to a picture of her where Ben sees her in the forest as a child:

SKlaft said...

I'm going way out on a limb with this, but think about this:

Is it possible that the whole thing about women dying at childbirth on the island was nothing but a ruse for Ben to manipulate Juliette onto the island, and give her something to keep her busy while there? Is it possible that Ben caused (or ordered) the death of those women? He really seems to be pretty sick in the head.

Just a thought.

Tammy said...

Wow robetron - that is a scary theory, but it would totally fit with Ben's mental state! He doesn't seem to hesitate to kill to get his way.

I found myself less interested in the Juliette story than the other stories entwined in this episode. Charles Widmore's involvement fascinates me. How/why is he involved? Does Penny know that he is somehow involved? I'm beginning to wonder about her too - is she really good, or is she somehow a "bad" guy?

I keep thinking we'll see Michael in some capacity too - I think he's on the boat. (The actor's name has been in the credits for every show this season I think...) What I am not sure of is - has he been an ally of Ben's from the beginning? Was he somehow a plant from the very beginning? That would be a long shot, but a lot of things have been longshots that turned out to be true!

Why do I always wind up with more questions than answers?!

SRM said...

haha I hear ya tammy about coming up w/ more questions than ever!!

Robby - that is an interesting thought and quite disturbing. I wouldn't put it past Ben, but Juliette seems to have seen proof of the body turning on itself by some studies she was talking about in the last eppy though. It wouldn't surprise me with the odd magnetic energy of the island that somehow it endangers a pregnancy and the health of both the mom and baby.

If Michael is the spy, I don't think he was a plant from the beginning since we saw his backstory leading up to the doomed flight. He was obviously turned somehow though since he shot Ana-Lucia and Libby, and I also keep wondering how the Others brainwashed all the people on their "lists" to follow them.

Speaking of lists, the way Ben instructed Ethan and Goodwin to get "lists in three days" sounds like he had given those instructions before. Do you think there were other plane crashes and/or shipwrecks before Flight 815 where they stole survivors away from their group?

SKlaft said...

That's a pretty good point SRG... I thought about the way he slung those orders out like a military leader also. They knew exactly what sort of lists he meant. They had to have either been trained for it, or have done it before. Maybe several of the other "citizens" of Othertown had been converted survivors of other types of wrecks.

One thing I have noticed is that Juliette seems to be a very formidable hand-to-hand combatant. She knocked Jack out with a single punch and has gotten the better of a few others (if memory serves). Where did this Doctor of Fertility learn this fearlessness and skills? Doesn't it seem like all of the Others had been military-trained? Ethan was supposedly the surgeon, but he single handedly kidnapped Claire and Charley, and at least once bested Jack, which in consideration for his athleticism, is saying something.

(This business of having surgeons get into multiple fist fights is absurd. Their hands are their bread and butter for a very lucritive and exclusive skill-set. The idea that they would risk any sort of nerve damage in their hands... but, whatever.)

Anyway... what-up wit da fightin' of da Udders?

SRM said...

Good call Robby, it never occurred to me that pretty much all the Others we've seen have been combat trained. With Juliette it really seems like she was taught that on the island because all the backstory we've seen on her shows her as sort of a mousy, quiet woman, not how we see her now as calm, cool, and uber-confident. I think there definitely was training and possibly brain washing involved in becoming an Other.