Wednesday, February 17, 2010

6.4: The Substitute Screen

So last night I experienced something I rarely encounter while watching Lost...about 40 mins into it I realized I was bored. I'm not exactly sure why, and according to friends I've chatted with I'm in the minority, but I just couldn't get into this episode. I think it may have something to do with my irritation that the Island "John" seems like a mean bully, and coming out of denial that the real John is dead. It makes me sad thinking about how much faith he has in the Island and his purpose there, and yet he ended up murdered with his identity stolen by the moody black smoke monster. :-| Who, according to Ilana, is stuck looking like Locke...for some reason.

Anywho, I did come across some questions that I'm hoping y'all can help me with. First of which, didn't Helen die of like a brain aneurysm or something? Perhaps that wouldn't have happened if she hadn't experienced so much stress with John's obsession w/ his dad...dunno. Also, she mentioned to John having a small wedding with her parents and his dad. If he's on good enough terms w/ his dad that she'd want him at the wedding, I'm assuming that means he didn't push John out a why would he be paralyzed?

That's really about all I've got...yeah I wonder who the creepy lostboy-ish (no pun intended) looking character is. And yeah I wonder why they were all chosen and their last names scratched on rocks years before (supposedly by Jacob). Anyone else notice the numbers by the non-scratched off names match Hurley's numbers? But I don't know, I just didn't feel the usual "no it can't be over!!" feeling upon seeing the ending LOST on the screen. Thoughts?


Kelly said...

I agree with a lot you said. As a disclaimer, I gave up watching LOST a season ago because I had that bored feeling then. I thought I would give it another go this season, but that feeling is back unfortunately. I want to keep watching for some closure I guess. I gave up TV for Lent though so I might just have to keep up on your blog :)

I was really confused by the "this is what would have happened" Locke scenes. The references to his Dad threw me off.

Regarding the numbers in the cave, I think it was supposed to be a "WOW! OMG!!" moment, but to me it was just more of the same. Nothing surprises me anymore I guess :( I was kind of like, ok so?

Sorry to be a pooper! ;)

SRM said...

Ok if you haven't seen this already this blog is hilarious! It's written by someone who's never watched Lost before, so pretty funny to see how they interpret the characters and plots.

SKlaft said...

Well, I guess in any series there is going to be a few episodes that do not get the heart pumping harder.

Knowing these are the last episodes probably gives us the the "okay, let's get on with it already" feeling, while the writers are trying to draw out the suspense.

Unlike Kelly, I didn't jump off at the occurrence of a dull moment before, and I'm not going to let one more distract me from staying with LOST to the end. In comparison to almost every other program on TV these days, I'd take all of LOST's dull moments crammed together for an entire season.

I have been re-watching the whole season, and I cannot tell you how many times, I said, "Yeah... now that is good story telling." In the overall scheme of things, I think we should not expect to have a new and different "wow" moment every week. After so many years, the expectations get too high, and we'll stop appreciating the finer moments how how well things are being done.

Lecture over. :)

RE: Helen. No, she did not die. She left John in the alternate reality where the plane crashed on the Island. How they came back together, we have not yet been told. I suspect she felt sympathy for him after she discovered what John's dad did to him.

I was glancing at the annotated re-run of this season's first few episodes, and the little green notes said that the scenes showing what happens when the plane lands at LAX is an alternate reality. So it is neither a flashback in time, nor a flash forward. It is more of a flash sideways. Just something to keep in mind when something seems weird or inconsistent.

I think the glowing boy might be some version of Jacob. I'm not sure how that could be, but if it is, I'm sure they'll figure a way to hint, but never tell, how it could be.

I found Sawyer's immediate sense that Smoky-John was not the real John fascinating. On the whole, their trip to the cave may have been a small time-filler, but if Smoky-John wanted Sawyer dead, he had plenty of opportunities.

The numbers beside the specially chosen members of the crashed flight show design and purpose. John had said they had all been brought to the Island for a reason. This might give some more foundation to that notion. One never knows whether Smoky-John is really telling the truth, or what the deal is. He said Jacob is really the bad guy, arbitrarily do so many things that brought heartache to our LOST pals. Something tells me it ain't so.

So much more to say... but I have to go to work.

Buck-up! Lost is still great even if it isn't a thrill-a-moment roller-coaster ride. It never was that anyway.
