Thursday, January 29, 2009

5.03: Jughead

This was a great episode...granted I'm a little biased as a fan of Des, but there were many *gasp!* moments and little nuggets of info spread throughout. It was fun to find out Des and Pen have a son together (in prob the quickest birth ever documented), and there's the "aww" factor at him being named Charlie. :) It's odd Dan told him to find his mom at Oxford, I know Robetron suggested the theory that the woman from the jewelry store/church is Dan's mom and I think that's looking more probable now that we know she's in L.A. What do you suppose happened to the woman Des visited? Interesting to find out Widmore was funding Dan's research, and we knew he was testing it on mice/rats, but do you think he tried to send that woman through time and it screwed up her brain? Kudos to Des for having the balls to walk in on Widmore and confront him about it, though it seems out of character for Wid to just hand over that woman's address...there must be a catch...

Cute that Dan professed his love for Charlotte...not so cute that she ended the show w/ her brain hemorrhaging. I wonder why she's been affected by the time travel and none of the others have? With Locke we now have the chicken-and-the-egg scenario with Richard visiting him as a child, and seeing John tell him to do that two years before he was born. I don't really remember what happened when he visited other than showing him some objects and then abruptly leaving, anyone else remember something significant? I love that the edgy little brit-Other turned out to be Widmore, that dude is everywhere! But now we know he WAS on the island at some point...

One sidenote to end on, I didn't even notice that we didn't see Jack or Kate during this episode until I saw the preview for next week. It's definitely a credit to the writers to have created so much interest in SO many characters that you don't even notice when you don't see some of the main ones.


Tammy said...

My WHAT??!?! moment in this episode was when we learned that Widmore was one of the Others during one of the time-travel periods. That blew my mind. I had never even gone there yet! :)

I have a theory too. The Other girl - Ellie - who Richard sent to the H-Bomb with Daniel... I think she is Mrs. Hawking - the jewelry store lady and the one who gave Ben 70 hours to get everyone back to the island.

I am totally intrigued by this season so far. You're right - it's a good thing when you don't even realize you've not seen some of the main characters during an episode!! :)

SRM said...

Hm that is an interesting theory, she would be about the right age if you FF 50 years (she looked in her 20s in 1954). You could tell she didn't believe Dan when he told her he was from the future, but it was funny when Sawyer was like "you told her?" and she didn't know how to respond. Just curious, where did you hear her name as Mrs. Hawking?

Tammy said...

Ah - if you watch the hour before the new show each week, they show the episode from the previous week with "notes". Her name was listed. (I didn't see the whole previous show - only the last few minutes, but that was enough to see her!)

I loved Sawyer's reaction too. It was totally him and SO funny! :)

Page48 said...

I mentioned this on another blog:

Charlie (Charles Widmore)
Charlie (Desmond/Penny's kid)
Charlie (Dead Rocker)
Charlie (Charlotte)

There is a Charlie fetish going on here. Can you imagine "Alias" having 4 Arvins?

SKlaft said...

Minor point...

In the flashback of John Locke's birth, his mother freaked out at the idea of holding him, and we see Richard standing at the window outside the room.

Then, when visiting John at the Foster Home, he set those seemingly random things in front of the boy, and asked "Which of these things are yours... which of them are already yours?"

As John was talking with Richard under the tent, Richard was still holding the compass (previously given to John by his future-self) when the Island flashed and moved in time again. This compass was among the items little-boy-John picked. He also chose a vial of what looked like dirt, and a worn-out old knife. At the selection of the knife, Richard became upset, snatched the items back from the boy and left abruptly.

I would expect to see a few more encounters with John and Richard on the Island as they travel in time. The vial of minerals should have an explanation, and I don't doubt that John slings the knife, stabbing Richard in defense of his fellow time-travelers. Richard obviously does not die easily, but remembers the pain and/or disappointment of the event rather bitterly.

I think, when it happens, Richard doesn't know who threw the knife and does not want to believe it was John. When the boy selected the knife, Richard said, "the knife? really John? are you sure?" - the boy nods - Richards grabs it from him and says "well, it ISN'T."

My prediction is that John finds himself in a situation when a future or past Richard captures one of the time-traveling people, and John is forced to throw the knife, trusting that the Island would not allow Richard to die.

This show is so cool, telling parts of back-stories in a parallel to what is happening on the Island, then making the events of the back stories relevant to time traveling events two seasons later. Just WILD!

Bonkers for Bristow said...

Robie, I wouldn't call that a minor point at all, but actually a great answer to a question we've all but forgotten about. I had remembered that scene after the compass conversation between John and Richard, but couldn't remember the details. Your theory seens pretty dead on to me.

SRM said...

Page - yeah my coworker pointed the Charlie thing out too, mostly the comparison of whether Des' son was named after Charlie (rocker) or Charles W. (Penny's dad). I didn't even realize that at first, but Penny seems to have as much distain for her father as the rest of the Losties, so I would guess he's named after our beloved dead ex-crack addict.

Robby - thanks for the recount of Richard's "test" for young Locke, I, like Bonkers, had forgotten the details of that encounter. I think your theory has some serious weight to it and could very well materialize.