Thursday, March 27, 2008

4.8: Meet Kevin Johnson

Yay I finally got to watch last week's episode! I'll tell ya, we have some very intuitive and smart bloggers on here. First Paul calls Michael out as the spy, then Robetron guesses that Widmore could be behind the 815 fake wreckage. Bravo! Katie posted that she's not completely convinced that is what REALLY happened instead of Ben staging the whole charade, and I agree, we can't trust any of the sources we've heard both tales from. Michael definitely went along w/ that story rather easily, but then again he had tried to shoot himself in the head only to have no bullet come out after Island-guy told him he couldn't die. Guess I'd be willing to believe that guy too...

So basically the entire episode showed that Michael's life has completely sucked since he got off the island. I agree w/ Robby that it was not great having the entire episode be a flashback, I'm a fan of the back and forth, but it was interesting to see why Michael ended up on the freighter working for Ben, the most manipulative SOB I've ever seen. Speaking of which, I agree that Ben set up Carl and mommy dearest to be taken out, poor Alex. She obviously thought it was the freighter people shooting at them, IDing herself as Ben's daughter in defense, but I'm pretty sure it was the Others doing Ben's orders.

I also like seeing old characters in the flashbacks, like Libby and Naomi, it's like a little surprise treat since our mindset is they're dead. Guess it will be another month before the next new episode, sigh. What shall we do till then folks?

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Post here!

Hey all,
I'll be out of town Thurs-Sun (visiting my new baby nephew in NY!) so I won't be able to post a recap on this week's episode until early next week. For those who would still like to discuss what happens, please post here! I'll read through all the posts once I get to watch it and will post a recap including comments and questions in this thread. Thanks, and to all who celebrate it, Happy Easter! :)

Friday, March 14, 2008

4.07: Ji Yeon

Ok I don't have much time but still wanted to put up a post because this was a great episode! First off, MAJOR kudos to blogger Paul who posted his theory two weeks ago that Michael was Ben's spy. It was no surprise at all to see the freighter janitor "Kevin" come out of the shadows at the end and see Des and Sayid's stunned faces as they looked upon their betrayer, Michael.

Well friends, we now know the identity of the final member of "Oceanic 6" is Sun. This episode was a bit confusing at first because we knew there was only one more survivor, yet the time flashes showed both Sun going into labor and Jin on his way to the maternity ward. I had a hunch that we were seeing two different time periods, which was confirmed at the end when Jin discloses his trip to the hospital is to represent his employer and earn some brownie points with a business associate, obviously in the past, while Hurley visits Sun and her new baby daughter, Ji Yeon, and take a trip to Jin's grave in the future. That last scene with her talking to his grave just broke my heart, and I'm sure part of it is because I have a personal association thinking about my sister who just had a baby last week and imagining her going through all of that without my brother-in-law. What makes it even more tragic was Juliette spilling the beans to Jin about Sun's affair, and him forgiving her and their loving reconciliation. He promised she'd never lose him, yet we see her facing a future alone as a single parent. I've wondered since we've started seeing the flash forwards if the rest of the 815 survivors somehow perished, leaving only the 6 survivors, or if they stayed on the island. I guess now we have our answer, but it begs the question of how did he/they all die??

Moving on to the freighter, there was some weird-ass stuff going on there. We learn the crew is going nutty one at a time, including a woman jumping off the boat covered in chains to ensure her sinking, and a mysterious blood stain on the wall that Kevin/Michael was ordered to clean up. The captain was surprisingly willing to talk to Des and Sayid, and relayed the story of finding the 815 black box along with ALL of the passenger bodies. He confirmed his orders come from Mr. Widmore, which took Des by surprise, and also told them the Ben is suspected of staging the fake plane wreckage. The captain asks the same questions we've been wondering... where did Ben get the money and resources to stage such a hoax, and where did he get that many dead bodies??

Monday, March 10, 2008

4.6: The Other Woman

Sorry for the late posting folks, let's get to it. It seems that last week's eppy with Desmond's time traveling to the past was a segue into this week's being a trademark flashback episode about Juliette. At first when she's talking to the therapist it sounds as though she got off the island and is discussing how it feels to be hounded by the public as a "celebrity" (possibly as one of the Oceanic 6). We soon realize that the scene is actually back from the time she first came to the island as their hopeful doctor. The story unfolds of her engaging in an illicit affair with Goodwin, the husband of her therapist, whose doomed fate was determined by Ben sending him to infiltrate the "Tailies" group. Juliette realizes Ben purposefully sent him to his death so she could no longer be with him, and when she confronts Ben about it he responds that "you're MINE" (sort of like a 3-year old but in a much creepier way). It's obvious Ben will stop at nothing to keep Juliette to himself, and she confesses to Jack that she fears for him since Ben knows of her feelings for Jack. I've been a Kate-Jack "shipper" from the beginning, so it just looked weird to me to see him kiss Juliette, anyway...

Mystery surrounds Dan and Charlotte since they silently left the beach on some secret mission. As it plays out, it actually does seem like they might be "good guys" since they neutralized the large container of toxic gas that could have killed everyone on the island. Ben tried to convince Juliette to kill them first, but it seems maybe he just wanted to save the gas for his own uses. He also played Locke into setting him free by showing him a video of Penny's dad beating one of the Others, claiming he's the owner of the freighter and an enemy of the island. It can't be a coincidence that Mr. Widmore is somehow associated since Des has been on the island, do you think he's trying to keep Penny from finding him? I can't figure out why else he'd be behind it all. The mini-cliffhanger is that Ben tells Locke who his spy on the freighter is, I think blogger Paul's theory that Michael's the spy could be dead on, maybe we'll see next week.

Thursday, March 06, 2008


I missed the beginning of this week's eppy, so I'm going to finish recording it and watch it over the weekend. Please visit back in a day or so for a recap and discussion!