Friday, February 29, 2008

4.5: The Constant

One word for this episode: trippy! I was on the edge of my seat the entire time, flashing back and forth with Desmond's consciousness from 2004 to 1996 and back. Knowing every time it happened he was closer and closer to death from a brain aneurysm.

We learned for sure what was already hinted at; the island exists in it's own time portal where a day and a half amounts to only an hour or so in the "real world" (which makes me wonder if they've really been lost as long as they think they have). The reason for this is supposedly the island's abnormal magnetic properties, that can cause people to time travel if exposed to a large amounts of the magnetism. This happened at the end of season 2 when Des turned the island key to relieve the extreme magnetic force set off by not entering the computer code. His time traveling, which foretold of Charlie's death last season, became accelerated aftering being on the chopper that went through the storm front and came out in the "real" time. Desmond's memory from the last 8 years was suddenly erased and he had no idea what he was doing on the boat or who anyone was, including Sayid. Going back and forth between his time in the military and being in the sickbay on the freighter, Des had to make his way to Oxford to find the physicist Dan in 1996 and learn how to stop the time traveling. Dan said he had to find something (or someone) his consciousness could emotionally attach to in both time frames, and thus keep him in the present. This "constant" ended up being Penny (shocker), who he was finally able to call from a phone Sayid constructed on the exact date he promised her in 1996. They declared their love for each other and Penny swore she would find him as his power source ran out and the phone died.

For all of the excitement this episode contained, I was actually a little disappointed w/ the ending. I just wanted something more, somehow, I don't know, maybe it was a little too "Disney" for me. Considering the previous two episodes had awesome surprise endings this one was just kind of, eh... Next week's looks exciting though!

Friday, February 22, 2008

4.4: Eggtown

Ok, looks like ya'll are still interested, so let the blogging continue! :) This episode was AWESOME, for those who haven't seen it you prob shouldn't read this post because there will be SPOILERS and you don't want to miss the fun of being shocked!

I laugh at myself because I think I react to the surprises exactly like the writers intend. The first shock was the flashfoward of Kate where she demands her trial lawyer not use her son in the courtroom to gain sympathy. That made me sit up straight as my eyes widened questioning "what son??" I figured she must have had a kid we didn't know about before the crash, then it became clear that they were steering us toward believing she and Sawyer had a baby. To build character they had Jack testify on her behalf, which wasn't a huge surprise, but the boldface lie he told on the stand was. He lied about Kate nursing them back to health to make her look good, but why did he say they crashed in the water and only 8 people survived? We figure he doesn't want to visit her "baby" because he doesn't want to be reminded of her and Sawyer, but the last scene of the episode turns that around when we realize this "baby" is much older than we figured and says "hi mommy" to which she replies "hi Aaron." ... This led me to one conclusion: that something happens to Claire on the island, which is too painful for Jack to confront, and she makes Kate Aaron's legal guardian. It also took me back to last season's finale where she says to Jack that "he'll be wondering where I am." I figured she meant Sawyer or whatever guy she was with, but now I think she was referring to Aaron.

Some interesting thoughts to chew over, one of my coworkers (who I'll call CS) pointed out that all the flashforwards we've seen have shown the losties in their worst nightmares. Jack becomes a drunk just like his father, Hurley goes back to the nutter house where he swore he'd never go, Sayid becomes a killer which he never wanted to do in the military, and Kate gets stuck in one place for 10 years on probation and is a mother when we know she liked to move around and had no motherly intentions when talking to Claire. Speaking of which, do you think Aaron is considered one of the Oceanic 6 even though he wasn't born until after the crash? Also, the psychic told Claire she has to raise the child or there will be some nasty consequences, so what happens to him now that Kate is raising him? Lastly, what happened to Sayid and the helicopter??

Still interested?

Hey all,
I'm really enjoying this season of Lost and would love to hear everyone's ideas and theories, but this blog hasn't been getting much action lately. If you're all still interested in weekly recaps please let me know. Thanks!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

4.3: The Economist

I didn't get to watch this eppy until last night. I was told by friends it was a shocker, and they were damn right! In addition to a short recap (I'm assuming ya'll have seen it), let's talk about what we know so far and what new questions this episode raised.

In this episode's opening it looks like Sayid maybe got lucky in his fate, as we see him well dressed and playing at an exclusive golf club. We soon learn that he's not there for fun, but to murder a fellow player, a man somehow associated w/ the Oceanic crash. He's become some sort of hitman and we have no idea why or who he's working for.

Back on the island, part of Jack's crew goes to the Others' Barracks to get back Charlotte. Among other things, Sayid finds a hidden room in Ben's house with a bunch of passports and clothes. He and Kate are tricked into becoming hostages of Locke, though Sayid convinces Locke to let him and Charlotte go by giving him Miles for questioning. All the while Dan performs some strange experiment with the offshore freighter people, who launch a torpedo-looking thing right to their location. On the ship they read that it reaches them way before they receive it, and when they finally do the clock inside is a half hour ahead of the one Dan has. When Sayid returns w/ Charlotte, the pilot agrees to fly him, Desmond and Naomi's body back to the freighter. In the flash forward we see Sayid, who was shot by his lover while using her to get to her boss, stumble into an operating room. We hear the doctor's voice who's taking care of him, and eventually shockingly recognize him as Ben. Sayid says "they know I'm coming after them now" to which Ben replies "good."

OK, now for the questions/theories, etc! We now know 4 (or maybe 5?) identities of the rescued, and ill fated, "Oceanic 6."
1. Jack
2. Kate
3. Hurley
4. Sayid
5. Ben?
I question whether Ben is part of the 6 because he technically was not on the Oceanic flight. My theory is that he somehow gets off the island secretly and we still have two more 815 survivors that will also make it off. The odd thing is that Ben now comes off as some sort of a "good guy" and Sayid is killing these people to protect "them" who I'm assuming is the rest of the Oceanic 6. I also wonder how the bracelets come into play that both Naomi and Elsa were wearing...they somehow associate them w/ whoever Sayid/Ben are killing off.

On another note, it looks like the island is in some strange time dimension according to Dan's experiment. Why did the launch show up a half hour after it was recorded as landed? What other questions did you guys come up w/?

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I just heard on the radio this morning that the writer's strike is over, yay for a full season of Lost!! :)

Monday, February 11, 2008

4.2: Confirmed Dead

I have to give props to the writers of Lost. It amazes me how every season they come up w/ different ways to introduce new characters. In "Confirmed Dead," we get a unique glimpse at the not-so-distant past of four people as they find out about the discovery of Oceanic 815 under water with ALL passengers confirmed dead. These four people; Dan - a not-so-stable physicist, Miles - a communicator with the dead, Charlotte - an anthropologist who finds a polar bear skeleton in the desert w/ a Dharma Hydra collar, and Frank - a pilot who was supposed to have been on 815, all somehow end up on a mission to the island with Naomi, and we learn rescuing any 815 survivors is not their primary objective.

Jack and Kate happen upon the first of the quartet after their helicopter is hit by lightening and they parachute out over different parts of the island. Dan is wishy-washy to say the least about why he's there, and they get suspicious after they see he has a gun tucked in his belt. When they find Miles he's immediately hostile, pulling his gun on them and demanding to see Naomi's body to confirm Jack and Kate's story that they didn't kill her. Sayid and Juliette meet up w/ them in the forest, and they all find Frank...along w/ his undamaged helicopter. Frank realizes that Juliette wasn't part of the 815 flight roster and IDs her as a "native." This prompts immediate anger from Miles who demands she tell them where "he" is and shoves a photo of Ben in her face, thus explaining their true purpose in coming to the island.

Locke and his crew find Charlotte, who's quite friendly at first, but after realizing they don't want to be found she tries to run and Ben, who stole Karl's gun, shoots her twice in the chest. She survives since she had on a bullet proof vest, but Ben's attempt on her life confirms to the rest of the group that it's time to take him out. Locke is poised for the execution, and Ben in desperation, starts rattling off Charlotte's life story to the shock of everyone. He says he knows they're there for him, and explains his knowledge comes from his "man" on their boat.

So one big question is how could all the passengers from 815 be confirmed dead when we know for a fact many survived? Why was there a body in the pilot's seat that Frank identified as NOT being the pilot? Why have these people come for Ben, and is rescue a reality now that they have a working helicopter? Do we even want to see them rescued when we've had glimpses at their somber futures?

Thursday, February 07, 2008

4.1: The Beginning of the End

Welcome to season 4 my friends! So who else was pissed at ABC for flat out lying about a "2-hour premiere?" Alright, now that I have that off my back, let's get to it. As many suspected, it looks like season 4 is going to show us flash-forwards of the Losties instead of flashbacks. This time we see Hurley's fate, where he's haunted by Charlie's ghost and perfectly happy to be back in the nut-house. One thing that struck me was when he was arrested he kept saying "don't you know who I am? I'm one of the Oceanic 6!" So this begs the question, who, other than Jack and Kate, are the other 3 that were rescued? What happened to the rest of them?? Charlie tries to convince Hurley "they need him" but we don't know who he's talking about and what they need from him, and when Jack visits him he asks if he's going to "tell", again we don't know what. Nothing like starting out a season w/ a handful of more mysteries to wonder about.

Back on the island, the Not-Penny's-Boat people are on their way to "rescue" everyone, but it's obvious there's something else going on. Hurley gets lost in the jungle and happens upon Jacob's house and a creepy-as-hell scene where the house appears no matter where he goes and Locke finds him. Locke is able to convince many of them that they are in danger from the boat folk, but Jack and Kate stick it out by the plane wreckage long enough to hear a helicopter fly over and encounter a parachuter who IDs Jack. Who are these people and what do they want? The next episode is called "Confirmed Dead" which is quite foreboding, any predictions?