Friday, February 16, 2007

Not In Portland and Flashes Before Your Eyes

Hi folks,
Sorry for the lack of posts recently, it seems GS and I have been very busy and haven't been able to provide recaps since Lost returned. I'm very interested to hear other people's thoughts though, so here's a basic rundown of my questions/important points from last two eppies:

- So this private research facility really wants Juliette, sounds like it's Dharma, but did they really kill her ex-hubby so she would work for them?
- Why did she imply that she was also a prisoner of the island and not allowed to leave unless Ben said she could?
- Why was she trying to impregnate her sister when it appeared she was suffering from cancer?
- Why was Carl being brainwashed and who else on the island has been in the past?

- Wow, trippy episode, is Desmond really traveling back in time?
- What's with the creepy jewelry store lady and how does she know everything?
- Is Charlie doomed?

Alright, let's hear it, what are your thoughts??


Unknown said...

1) Who was the girl that gave Desmond the boat to join the race? Was it Juliette? I can't for the life of me remember.

2) Someone heard that Charlie (in real life) was bad-mouthing the show for bringing in too many new characters. So... are they killing him off because of it?

3) If Charlie met Des before the island, why doesn't he remember him and all the stuff he said about being on the island and pushing the button and whatnot?

SRM said...

wasn't it Libby that gave Des the boat? It was called The Elizabeth or something like that right?

hmm, rumors of badmouthing, my first instinct is to say that it's just a rumor, but you never know. If you think about it though, there's not much more to Charlie (that we know about anyway), maybe his character's story has run its course, sort of like Shannon and Boone...

I wondered that too why Charlie didn't recognize Des, but then I'm remembering Charlie asking Des if they've ever met before...did that happen or am I making that up??

Anonymous said...

The Charlie/Desmond meeting would have happened a long time ago and Charlie could have been high-although Charlie's quote to his audience-"this is why we don't do drugs" was hilarious!! I really enjoyed this last episode. I don't know what to think, if Desmond was just dreaming or if he is actually reliving his past. It definitely has me thinking again.

I have a question-Mr Widmore, is it the same actor that played him the first time when Desmond got out of jail?

SRM said...

I think it's the same guy but I don't know for sure because I don't have that other episode on tape/DVD. Anyone else know?

Page48 said...

Sooooooo, let me see if I've got this straight, Desmond doesn't actually see the future, he's reliving (and remembering)the past, is that it?

Am I the only one who misses the regular cast of survivors and finds this show a little frustrating right now??

SRM said...

no I don't think you're the only one, and supposedly three very big Lost questions will be answered in tonight's eppy. I worry about getting my hopes up for it, but maybe the writers realize they're creating too many mysteries and not answering enough questions to keep viewers interested.

I think Desmond does sort of see the future through flashes (sort of like Phoebe on Charmed if anyone watches that), but to him he's reliving those moments...very screwy. I'm planning on recording tonight's eppy and watching it tomorrow (now it's on past my bedtime, grrr), so I'll do a little mini-recap after that and we can discuss. :)