Thursday, February 22, 2007

Stranger in a Strange Land

Ok so I ended up watching the episode last night after all. We learned the source of Jack's tattoos and the weird form of a judicial system the Others have, but not a whole lot else. Here's a summary:

- Jack had a relationship while on vacation with a woman who claimed to be some sort of tattoo-fortune teller. For some reason tattooing Jack was against "her people," so after he made her mark him as "he walks amongst us though is not one of us," he was basically kicked out of the country.

- Kate feels guilty about sleeping with Sawyer, he thinks she only did it because she thought he was going to die, drama/tension ensues...

- Everyone the Others have kidnapped (to have a "better" life as Carl says...wonder if that comes from the brainwashing) is healthy and happy. We see them staring at Jack in his cage like he's a zoo animal. One of the flight stewardesses is there and says they came to "watch" what?? The kids are there too, all dressed well and weirded out by Jack yelling at them to leave. I'm hoping they explain what they've been doing all this time someday...

- The Others' law system follows the "eye for an eye" mentality. Juliette helped Kate and Sawyer escape by killing Danny, so she goes on trial where the end result would be her execution. It's obvious Jack cares about her because he agrees to be Ben's beck-and-call doctor in order to save her life. The show ends (with honestly quite a cheesy slow-mo montage) of Kate and Sawyer making their way back to camp and Jack and Juliette boating their way to where the Others live. I wonder if we'll get to see that next week...thoughts??

Friday, February 16, 2007

Not In Portland and Flashes Before Your Eyes

Hi folks,
Sorry for the lack of posts recently, it seems GS and I have been very busy and haven't been able to provide recaps since Lost returned. I'm very interested to hear other people's thoughts though, so here's a basic rundown of my questions/important points from last two eppies:

- So this private research facility really wants Juliette, sounds like it's Dharma, but did they really kill her ex-hubby so she would work for them?
- Why did she imply that she was also a prisoner of the island and not allowed to leave unless Ben said she could?
- Why was she trying to impregnate her sister when it appeared she was suffering from cancer?
- Why was Carl being brainwashed and who else on the island has been in the past?

- Wow, trippy episode, is Desmond really traveling back in time?
- What's with the creepy jewelry store lady and how does she know everything?
- Is Charlie doomed?

Alright, let's hear it, what are your thoughts??

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

It's Baaaaack!!!

That's right folks, our long hiatus is finally about to end. Lost returns tomorrow with "Not in Portland" at a NEW TIME, 10/9pm Est/Cen and so will our awesome blog. Looking forward to reading everyone's thoughts and theories!