Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Episode 3.6 "I Do"

Ok I figure the best time to do a recap is while my heart is still pounding a mile a minute, so here goes! Wow that was a great episode, and good to see more backstory on Kate. What a surprise to see her open that case and look at a wedding veil, definitely not something I expected from her. Come to find out Kate's getting married the next Kevin...a police officer...who thinks her name is about doomed. She looks so happy at her wedding, it really looks like she loves this guy, his family loves her, and she becomes Holly-Housewife...obviously something's not right.

We see a little of John and the losties at the Pearl giving Eko their last respects. To bury him John says he's going back to camp, which Sayid somehow knew was a lie and they took a detour, but to where?? John gets Eko's "Jesus stick" (thank you Charlie) and while pounding it into his grave, stating that he hopes to find the reason for Eko's death soon, he suddenly sees an etching that looks to be telling John to lift up his eyes and look about cryptic. Any ideas what that means?

Let me just say how much I love Jack at his most bitter! Telling Ben the disappointment of Jack deciding not to do his spinal surgery is something he won't have to deal with long was GREAT. He knows the power he has now, and he's damn well gonna use it. Above the Hydra Kate and Sawyer are put to work again, breaking and hauling rocks for who-knows-what purpose. Alex breaks into the camp with some Bart Simpson action on the slingshot, and we learn the jackass who hates Sawyer so much is her "dad", so does that mean she thinks Colleen (dead lady) was her mom? I'm guessing she would have no idea who Danielle is or even that she exists. She screams at Kate that "they're gonna kill your boyfriend", which of course made me think which one?? They end up blackmailing Sawyer's life on Kate convincing Jack to do Ben's surgery (jerks). Jack and Kate's reunion was quite touching, you could see how happy they were to see each other, but Jack was not a happy boy when Kate told him why she was there. She decides it's best to try another escape attempt, still not knowing the cages are on candid camera. BTW I loved her calling him James, I think it totally took him off guard. He has to be honest that they can't escape since they're on ANOTHER island...ya think he could have also mentioned they were being taped, but at any rate they share quite a night together.

We also see Kate sharing a life with her hubby, even begging the U.S. Marshall to let her go free to live this new life, but after a pregnancy scare she just can't handle the lie anymore. I really did feel bad for her as she was telling Kevin the truth (after he drank his drugged lemonade of course). You can tell she loved him and that's why she had to leave. Does she really love Sawyer? She never admits it, though he actually tells her "I love you too" which surprised me...made me say aww and I got goosebumps. :)

Jack is let out of his cell (was that Alex's voice on the intercom and for what purpose?) He sees for himself Kate in Sawyer's arms and you just see his heart break. He doesn't trust Ben or Juliet and takes matters into his own hands during the surgery, making a fatal incision in Ben's kidney and bartering his life for Kate's freedom. It's sad that Jack doesn't realize they don't have anywhere to run, though I have to admit when Sawyer saw for himself they were on another island it didn't look THAT far away...swimmable perhaps.

Soooo, questions to ponder for the next few months... One of the big ones was when the annoying guy told his buddy that "Shepard wasn't on Jacob's list." Was Jacob one of their spys sent out after the plane crashed? Was this the list of "good" or "bad" people he's talking about? Where do you think the message on Eko's stick is leading John? Will the eyepatch dude come into the story? Would Jack go through with letting Ben die? Doing this probably screws any chance of them letting him go, so what will happen to him? Will Kate and Sawyer actually escape? Bring on the theories!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, it looked swimmable, except remember that shark? What if there are more sharks...

I still want to know, what is the other's purpose on the island, why were they walking around scaring and abducting the survivors? Where are the other abducted survivors? Why was Ben/Henry really wandering around their camp way back when? I don't think answers to these questions would limit the potential for great stories in the future...

I think it's important to note also that Kate was willing to leave Kevin sort of to keep him safe and now she's absolutely not willing to leave Jack or Sawyer... interesting to see how they work that.

Anonymous said...

Did Jack purposefully suggest that Kate run and not Sawyer? He didn't even mention him.

SRM said...

I honestly don't think Jack cares much about Sawyer and rescuing him. His only concern seems to be for Kate.

That's true about the sharks katie, we still don't know what's up w/ them. I also wonder how/why Benry was caught in Danielle's net (whatever happened to her btw??) Maybe he did that on purpose to be taken back to the losties' camp? I also find it interesting that Kate seems to have little interest in saving her own skin and only wants to escape if it's w/ her boys.

SKlaft said...

I just saw the episode for the first time (Friday Morning), and all I can say is!

You're right Ms. 'Licious, this was a heart pounder.

Did anyone catch it when the guy said that "Shepherd wasn't even on [the] list?" Apparently, the writers have not forgotten the mysteries of the first two seasons. There is hope of a sensable resolve.

Good to see the blog again. :)

SKlaft said...

My apologies, SRG, I didn't realize it was your recap. I thought Amanda had written it. I'll reiterate:
You're right, SRG. This was a heart-pounder.

Anonymous said...

we learn the jackass who hates Sawyer so much is her "dad"

She, as did the others, called him "Danny", not "Daddy".

SRM said...

ahhh, thanks anon, trick of the ear there, I thought she said "daddy". I just rewatched that part and you're right that she said "Danny", good call.

no prob robby, I'm just subbing in for ms. liscious at the moment. :) Yeah I mentioned the quote about "shepard not being on the list" in the last part of the recap, I wonder which list he means? Weren't they making a list of the "good" people, but then the list of those who were captured was a different one...odd. I'm hoping some answers will come after the hiatus.

SKlaft said...

When is this hiatus supposed to take place? Have we just seen the last episode before the break? I hate hiatus'. It kills the intensity or it builds it up past the writer's ability to satisfy, just like ALIAS. Will ABC never learn?!


SKlaft said...

I think Jack may just be perturbed enough to let Ben die if they push him to it. I also think that may be why he was not on anyone's list. They took the "good ones," remember?

In the forefront of the episode-theme is Kate and her falsely-espoused. Supposedly, she loved her nieve little cop-boy, but she ran; as she always does, she ran. Now that Jack has afforded her the opportunity to run again, she has confessed a love for the unwashed, unshaved Sawyer, and can't find it within her to run. Now that's irony!


Anonymous said...

The show will return February 7. I don't like hiatus' too, but when it returns, we get 16 episodes in a row--no reruns!

Good call on the running irony. This show is so great!

Page48 said...

It was nice to see Jack take charge in the operating room. I enjoyed seeing Benry's life used as a bargaining chip.

Now, I hope that this strategy of Jack's will signal the beginning of a pendulum swing in favour of the captives. So far, Sun is the only one to inflict any real hurt on the Others since this hostage taking began, and I would like to see the Others pay a slightly higher price for the abuse of their "guests".

And to think that when I first started watching this show, I thought it was about Claire's baby.

Anonymous said...

Yeh, what was the deal with Alex's voice on that intercom? It was also weird hearing Ben ask about Alex just before he went into surgery. Wonder what that's all about.

Katie, I hear that they'll tell us about the other tailies in ep 8. Is Jacob just the eyepatch dude? In any case, we know that in s2 when Ben was captured he was scared of what "he" might do if he gave up information, so maybe the he is the eyepatch dude.

Btw, how cool was smokey in the last ep! I know he killed our beloved Eko, but still, awesome!

Anonymous said...

One of my friends who is rewatching season 2 noticed something quite interesting. In the beginning of the second season, when the "tailies" take Saywer and company to their hatch, they find something. Inside a box, there is a glass eye. Hmm, wonder who might be the owner to that one? Eye-patch dude perhaps?

And regarding the words written on Eko's staff, about looking north. Since I heard that the Black Rock is coming back after the hiatus, I guess that's where Locke are headed.

SRM said...

Nice eas, I totally forgot about the glass eye. That very well could have something to do w/ eye-patch guy. I'd be interested to see more on the Black Rock, nothing like a good shipwreck. :)

SKlaft said...

I scan the room. My head pivoting to the left and to the right. A nervous engery is driving me. "What am I forgetting?" I feel like i have left something important undone, or I need something important and cannot think of what it is.

Then it comes to me.
"Oh, yeah. LOST is on it's alias-like hiatus. I haven't missed the next episode because it hasn't aired yet."

Anyone else feel "lost?"

SRM said...

yeah the hiatus is a total bummer, stupid ABC. Though I have to say that I watched most of Daybreak last week and thought it was pretty decent. Since Lost is the only show I've been watching I'll prob watch Daybreak for now (personally I'm excited for 24 once that finally starts).

p.s. if anyone has an idea for an article or a theory they'd like to post on while we're on hiatus, give us a holla in these comments and us blog-ladies will do our best to accomodate! :)