Thursday, May 11, 2006

Episode 2:21 "?" by SRG

I love how inter- related Lost and Alias have been the last couple weeks, this episode could have totally been called "I See Dead People" too. Let's get right to it!

I Dream of Yemi
Seems like Eko's brother is in everyone's dreams! We start out with Eko getting a sort of psychic dream where he sees Ana shot and dying telling him to help John (this is before anyone knew she was dead btw), followed by Yemi in the hatch telling Eko to help John find the question mark and bring his axe. Upon waking up he immediately sets out to find John and meets up with Sawyer, Jack and Kate on their way back to the hatch. A shot Michael bursts out of the hatch claiming when he woke up that Henry had a gun and shot Ana, Libby and himself. Shocked, everyone rushes into the hatch to find Ana dead. They assume Libby is as well until she suddenly spits up blood (anyone else reminded of Kill Bill?), which freaks out Michael. Eko volunteers to go after Henry and asks John to come because of his tracking experience.

While in the jungle Eko asks John about the question mark, head butts him for "being difficult" and finally gets John to relay the story of the "?" diagram he saw on the hatch door. Eko believes the drawing to be a map and they end up following it back to the crashed plane Yemi died in. They make camp for the night and John dreams he's Eko being lead up the cliffside by Yemi to something at the top. When John awakes Eko can tell he had a prophetic dream which John describes, so Eko promptly climbs his way to the top of the cliff. At first he sees nothing, then looks down at John and realizes a sort of crop circle "?" is etched into the ground with the plane covering the bottom. After pushing the plane out of the way and digging, the two find the entrance to another hatch, "Station 5: The Pearl", a monitoring facility for the other hatches. The Pearl's orientation video reveals the work in the other hatches to be nothing more than a psychological experiment, a truth that breaks John's faith in the Island, but increases Eko's. From the flashbacks we learn of Eko's time pretending to be a priest and how he was assigned to investigate a supposed "miracle" of a girl coming back to life. I think he started to believe the miracle was true until the girl's father dismissed it as mistaken hypothermia and doctor negligence. It wasn't until the girl found Eko at the airport before Oceanic flight 815 took off and told him about a message she had for him from Yemi that he started to find his faith. Knowing the dreams he and John had led them to The Pearl increased his sense of purpose for being there and thinking there is a reason for all of it that will eventually be revealed.

Meanwhile Back At The Hatch...
Jack knows he can't save Libby and puts Sawyer on the spot about giving up the heroine Mary dolls to make her comfortable, thus revealing where he's also storing the guns. Kate goes with him and discovers that Sawyer has been hiding everything under his shelter the entire time. On their way out they run into Hurley who asks if they've seen Libby...Kate has to break the harsh news about the shooting. Jack injects Libby with the heroine to ease her pain and she suddenly wakes up looking worried. She manages to say "Michael", to which Jack and Hurley assure her Michael's ok. This only makes her more frantic and she dies with her eyes and mouth open in a frightful panic. The episode closes on a slow zoom-in on Michael, looking very evil and creepy.

Interesting Tidbits
Anyone else recognize the father of the "miracle" girl? Yup, that was Claire's psychic who told her she must raise her baby and made her take flight 815. With her flashback story he seemed pretty legit, but he told Eko that he made his living as a fraud, that he dug up dirt on people and used it to exploit them. So how did he know Claire taking flight 815 would force her to raise her baby because of the crash?

"Rats in a maze with no cheese", I thought that was a great quote from John after he learned the Dharma Initiative was nothing more than a mind game. Anyone else check out

Something to ponder...we saw that The Pearl had monitoring videos of The Swan's hatch, does that mean there's video evidence of Michael shooting Ana and Libby? Also, if the monitoring station is Station 5, what is Station 6?

Looks like next week Michael manages to convince everyone they can take on The Others and rescue Walt and the bearded crazy guy is back. We still don't know if Michael is brainwashed or just fullfilling some sort of I'm thinking the latter, but that just makes me more angry with him. I feel weird saying this since I hated her in the beginning, but I'm actually going to miss Ana a little bit, and I definitely feel sorry for Hurley that he lost Libby. Will he ever find out she was in the same mental hospital as him? Guess we'll have to wait and see!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

LOST Night

Michael is in charge! After last weeks shocker- I have no idea what to expect tonight- aside from more SHOCK! Stay tuned for an episode recap!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Two for the Road by SRG

I don’t know about you guys, but the shocker endings of both Lost and Alias caused me some major problems trying to fall asleep last night! Here’s a little summary of the events surrounding the characters:

Anna Lucia Flashbacks
Covering her tracks well, Anna made the murder of her attacker practically anonymous, but her mother/Captain knew otherwise. Scared that her mom knew her secret, Anna runs away to Australia with a guy she met at the bar…a guy who just happens to be Jack’s drunk of a father. He claims he needs her “protection” for a task he needs to do over there. Whether or not they were lovers is unclear, I’m thinking they might have been drunken lovers, but they had separate hotel rooms, what do you guys think? She drives him to a house where he confronts a woman and claims he wants to see his daughter…who knows what that was about. Anna decides she’s had enough of her time with him and wants to go home, so she leaves him at a bar (where he eventually meets Sawyer) and books Oceanic Flight 815 to fly home. Does anyone else notice a theme of Jack’s dad being involved with many of the characters?

John wakes up to the sound of Henry attacking and trying to kill Anna. He saves her life by hitting Henry over the head with one of his crutches. Later on, John is perplexed as to why Henry tried to kill Anna when he could have easily hurt or killed John when he was trapped under the door. Henry claims that John is one of the “good ones” and his mission was to bring John back to his people. You can tell John is very intrigued by these words, but isn’t able to ask Henry more about it because Jack and Kate shout for his help as they bring in Michael unconscious.

After waking up, Michael claims that he found the Others and they’re living worse off than the crash victims. Other than having their own hatch, where he believes the children including Walt are being held, he says they’re basically defenseless and would be easily defeated. Later on he gets up from resting to find Anna upset holding the gun she stole away from Sawyer by seducing him. She explains that she couldn’t bring herself to shoot Henry and Michael says he’ll do it, so she gives him the gun and the lock combination for the cell door. It’s the last thing she ever does…Michael says “I’m sorry” and shoots her in the stomach. Unfortunate Libby walks in on the scene as she’s getting wine for a picnic with Hurley, and in his shock Michael shoots her as well. He opens the cell door, looks at Henry, and shoots himself in the shoulder. THE END

Extremely shocking turn of events at the end, I was totally blown away (no pun intended)! At first I thought Michael killed himself, but from the previews for next week, it looks like he shot himself to make it look like he was also a victim and frame Henry for the shootings. There are at least two possible theories about why he did this…first he could have been brainwashed by the Others to turn on the crash victims. It’s possible that he’s leading them into a trap by saying the Others are defenseless and they should take them. OR he’s fulfilling some kind of deal he made with the Others to get Walt back. He looked extremely shocked at what he had just done when he shot Anna and Libby…if he had been turned evil you’d think he wouldn’t have looked so disturbed by his actions. Some questions I’ve come up with are why they would reveal Libby’s truth about being in the same mental hospital as Hurley and then kill her? Or that Anna was only in Australia because of Jack’s dad, then kill her? It was like finding out Jack was basically responsible for Shannon’s dad dying, then she died too. They seem to be revealing interesting plots from the characters’ back stories and then promptly ending them with death, which I don’t understand. What do you guys think??

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Hi All,

If you have ventured from Let's Talk Alias, then you are well aware of my obsession with intelligent television. You know I am a seeker of truth, an English major on a literary mission to turn all those who merely enjoy LOST, into well equipped, clue-collecting viewers. And if you are new- then you will soon learn all this about me.

Welcome to Let's Get LOST, the very near and dear sister of Let's Talk Alias. When Alias (the love of my life) is laid to rest in the ABC graveyard, I, and my room mate Amanda, will have plenty of time, energy and insight- which we will be focusing on JJ's current hit, LOST. I may not know enough about it now to comment on any particular theory- but I plan to "desert" my friends and family, become "stranded" in my home with the DVD's, take the "crash" course, not give in to the pressures of "Others" and become an A1 bonafide encyclopedia of LOST.

The site will be up and running on June 1st. Thanks to all of you loyal bloggers and hello and hi to all the new ones. Stay Tuned...