Thursday, February 19, 2009

5.06: 316

Ya know what's funny, I didn't get to see Lost yesterday (recorded it) and was just saying to my coworker today how I enjoy TV episodes and movies that start out in the present/future with a scene and you have no idea what's going on (a la Alias - Truth Be Told), then they take you back and build up to that scene for the rest of the episode. We were chatting about Pulp Fiction which is what prompted that thought...and here again we have another example of this, beginning with the Lost trademark eye-opening closeup shot of Jack. The camera zooms out and we see that yes he is, again, on The Island. I went through that whole scene thinking it was Jack dreaming up until Kate asked "did it work? are we back?" or something like that.

One of the many things that interests me about the scene at the Dharma's Lightpost was that the gray-haired lady never actually admitted to being Dan's mom. She reacted when Des mentioned Daniel Faraday but she never referred to him as her son, she only said that she is "helping" as Dan asked. Might be nothing, just something that struck me...

Funny how both times Jack was tempted by the drink he had some sort of distraction to take him away from it. First was a never-before-mentioned granddad (nice for us Alias fans to see Lauren Reed's dad again ;-)), second was a distraught (but evidently horny) Kate on his bed. So here are the major questions raised from this eppy:

1. What happened to Aaron to make Kate want to go back to the island?
2. What chewed up Ben and broke his arm (did it have to do w/ Kate)?
3. What brought Sayid (who looked to be in custody) and Hurley to the airport and how did they know about flight 316 to Guam (and did it have to do w/ Ben...I'm sure it did...)
4. What happened to the plane and the rest of the non-Lostie passengers?
5. Last but certainly not least, what the hell was Jin doing in the new Dharma van in Dharma clothes?? I'm guessing this means they're back in the Dharma time of The Island...


Page48 said...

Well, I'll just cut and paste my minutes-ago post from 5.05:

Wowzzers, indeed! Quality writing week in and week out. Pity it will only run for Six Incredible Years.

Nobody thought to ask Benry what the hell happened to him? Either they don't care or they didn't notice the sling and the bashed in face.

It will be interesting to find out how Hurley, Sayid, and the Pilot ended up on the plane. And, surely, Desmond will have to go back, although he seems dead set against it.

It will also be interesting to find out "when" they arrived back on the island.

Great show, nothing on the horizon these days to replace it and BSG when they're gone.

I assumed at the time that the flash of light on the plane just occurred because the plane had entered island airspace and that the Losties were simply deposited on the island with no damage to the plane. However, I would also assume that the pilot would now be on the island as well.

Upon further reflection, I also have a couple of issues with my original conclusion. 1) when the castaways encounter the flash of light, they don't actually end up in a new location, they simply go back and forth in time. 2) if this was part of the ongoing flashes which affect the castaways, it would not explain why Jin was driving the VW, since presumably he would have found himself in a time shuffle at the same instant as Jack/Kate/Hugo.

Hopefully, it will become clear how they 'landed' on the island. Surely they could not have dropped from the plane and survived and yet there had to be some sort of trauma since Locke's suicide note was ripped in half when Jack opened his eyes. As usual with "Lost", more questions than answers.

Page48 said...

And, SRG, I forgot to mention that I've always thought that "Pulp Fiction" is hopelessly unwatchable crap. And, by ugly co-incidence, it's on the tube even as we speak.

And, how on earth did you recognize Lauren's father? The best I could come up with last night was that Jack's Grandpa 'looked familiar'.

SRM said...

lol Page that just shows how many times I've watched my Alias DVDs...prob too many. ;-) It took a minute for me to pin down where I knew him from, but his voice for some reason made it click. Another random Alias actor cameo, the ticket agent talking to Jack was the guard who caught Syd turning down the room temperature in season 2 - Passage Pt. 2. Couldn't find a picture of him but here's Syd forcing herself not to kill him w/ her pinky after he comes onto her.

Back to Lost, that is a really good point that the flash of light should have affected everyone (including Jin) if it was a time flash. I question whether both the pilot and Ben ended back on the Island because neither of them were on the original Oceanic flight crash.

Paul Kremer said...

I don't have time for a long comment, but just 2 quickies. I believe that when Locke spun the wheel, that stopped the constant flashes that had been happening. Unfortunately, that just happened to be the 1970s...remember that when Locke spun the wheel, that well had even disappeared. I believe they are stuck in the 1970s, and they may have joined the Dharma Initiative! That would explain why Jin was in uniform driving the bus!

Also, I get the unfortunate feeling that Ben was all beat up and bloody because he was trying to kill Penny!!! He called from the marina, right? And Penny and Desmond came in a boat, right? And Ben has sworn to kill Widmore's daughter, right? I hope I am not right, but that is what I think Ben was trying to do.

SRM said...

Ooo I think both of your theories are very plausible Paul. That does worry me about Pen, especially since Des was noticeably absent from the 316 flight...

SKlaft said...

A couple of good ones Paul.
Well done.

Maybe I should stop watch the broadcast version of the show. I get distracted during the commercials and start doing other things, and then I have to remind myself what I was doing before, shifting gears back to the show.

Then, after it is over, whatever I may want to say, I withhold to prevent spoiling it for people who have not yet seen it. The I go to sleep... a couple days pass... and I completely forget things I might have said.

Watching it second time within the week every week is a bit much, even for a show this good. It remains good because it isn't old-hat, which it would become if I watch it that often.

*Shrug* I dunno. I enjoy it more without the commercials too, but my computer monitor is very small compared to my TV.

If someone would just get me out of MI and give me a job, I would probably have too much to do to be worrying about when or how I watch TV.



SRM said...

well Robby, not sure what to tell ya other than plant your bum on the couch and don't get distracted. :-P The most activity I do while watching Lost is fold laundry, that show takes 100% concentration!

I'll be watching tonight so stay tuned tomorrow for a recap!